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Sie bringen die Freude am Singen mit und nehmen regelmässig an den Proben teil. Mit einem finanziellen Beitrag von

Fr. 250.00 / Jahr kommen Sie in den Genuss der wöchentlichen Proben mit Stimmbildung, des Notenmaterials und der öffentlichen Auftritte.





Passive membership

​Passive members provide their support with a financial contribution of at least Fr. 30.00 / year. We will keep you informed about our events and performances.


Guest / project singer

As a guest or project singer, you share our joy of singing and support us Singfrauen during a project without any obligation to join the association. Regular attendance at rehearsals is expected.

The financial contribution is CHF 20 per month.


As a sponsor, you support us Singfrauen as a private person or company with a financial contribution of Fr. 200.00 / year. We invite you to concerts and offer you a concert ticket. If you wish, you will be mentioned in the respective concert program.

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